With over 300 paints, the Citadel Colour range has everything you need to paint amazing miniatures, whatever your skill level.
Citadel paints are divided into a series of ranges, each with a simple purpose in the painting process. This is where you can find out what each of our paints can do!
Base paints contain more pigment than others, which means they give strong, solid coats. This makes them ideal for applying as a foundation for other paints.
Layer paints have less pigment in than Base paints and flow better from the brush. They’re designed to be applied on top of Base paints to make them brighter, or to add highlights.
Shade paints are formulated to flow into the recesses of your models, leaving very little pigment on raised areas. This creates shadows on your miniatures, adding contrast and bringing them to life.
Dry paints have less medium in them than other paints, so they are ideal for drybrushing – a technique for quickly highlighting your miniatures.
With a unique formulation, Contrast paints have many uses. They can be applied over a white basecoat to base, shade, and layer a miniature in one go, or they can be used to glaze or tint other paints.
Technical paints let you add all sorts of special effects to your models. Churned earth, grisly gore, corrosion or spectral glows – each makes for an eye-catching way to finish your miniatures
Citadel Colour Spray paints let you cover your miniature in one solid coat of colour. It gives you a bedrock to apply your Base paints or Contrast paints onto.
The Citadel Colour paint range has expanded – find out all about these new colours.
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Citadel Colour: The App features a wealth of tutorials, colour recipes, a paint inventory, and more. Download now from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
From Base and Layer to Contrast and Shade, explore and shop the whole Citadel Colour range here.
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