IB Business Management IA HL: 60 Examples and Guidance

IB Business Management IA HL: 60 Examples and Guidance

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program offers a variety of assessments for students, including Internal Assessments (IAs), which are pieces of coursework marked by students’ teachers. The Business Management HL IA is an assessment designed to test students' understanding of the material they have learned in their business management course and their ability to conduct independent research. The investigation should be a self-directed study that demonstrates the student's ability to understand and analyze a specific, real-world business issue.

The IB has updated the Business Management syllabus for students beginning the course in 2024. The key changes include a greater emphasis on sustainability, ethics, and digital transformation. This update requires students to integrate these themes into their IA, reflecting the evolving business landscape. Additionally, students are now encouraged to focus on emerging industries and the impact of global trends.

Students should note that the Standard Level and Higher Level Internal Assessments for Business Management are quite different. In HL, students are expected to carry out their own investigation to curate primary research, while SL students only need to write a written commentary. Check out our separate article for guidance on the SL IA!

What is the IB Business Management IA?

The HL internal assessment is a research project that allows students to demonstrate the application of their skills and knowledge to business issues or decision-making.

Students are required to:

The word count does not include the title page, acknowledgements, contents page, executive summary, tables of statistical data, diagrams or figures, equations, citations, references, bibliography, and appendices.

Sustainability and Ethics in Business Management IAs

The 2024 syllabus update places a strong emphasis on sustainability and ethical business practices. Students must consider how businesses navigate the balance between profitability and social responsibility. This includes analyzing the impact of corporate actions on communities, the environment, and future generations.

60 Example Investigation Questions

When formulating a research question, it's important to ensure it is forward-looking and aimed at a current issue or decision still relevant to the business organization(s). Avoid focusing on descriptive aspects of something already finished, and instead, aim to make recommendations for future action. Seeking guidance from the teacher in crafting an appropriate research question can be beneficial.

You should check before you get started that your chosen organization has information which is accessible to you. Otherwise, you will not be able to get the data necessary to create a meaningful IA. You should also bear in mind that, if your EE is also in Business Management, your IA should be on different syllabus content. Now here are 60 example investigation questions written by our expert IB Business Management tutors.

1. How is Tesla addressing the challenges of scaling up production while maintaining sustainability goals?

Start by conducting a detailed review of Tesla's history, strategy, and market position. Collect secondary data from financial reports, market research, and industry analysis. Use models like SWOT and PESTEL to analyze the external and internal factors that have contributed to Tesla's growth. Make sure to analyze Tesla's unique innovations, business model, and marketing strategy in-depth. A private IB Maths tutor can help with analyzing financial reports and industry data using statistical tools like regression analysis to understand factors influencing growth.

2. What has been the long-term impact of Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox on its content strategy and market dominance?

Begin with an overview of the merger, including its objectives and the strategic rationale provided by the companies. Collect financial and strategic data from before and after the merger. Analyze the impact of the merger on Disney’s market position, financial performance, and content portfolio. Conduct a deep analysis of how this merger has contributed to Disney's recent strategic initiatives, like the launch of Disney+.

3. How does Apple's supply chain management contribute to its competitive advantage?

Collect detailed information about Apple's supply chain from industry reports and analysis. Examine how the company manages its suppliers, manufacturing processes, and logistics. Analyze the role of supply chain management in supporting Apple's business strategy, product quality, and profitability. Pay particular attention to the company's approach to inventory management and supplier relationships.

4. What impact did Microsoft's acquisition of LinkedIn have on its strategic positioning in the business software market?

Start with a detailed analysis of the objectives and strategic rationale behind the acquisition. Collect data on Microsoft's and LinkedIn's performance and market position before and after the acquisition. Analyze the ways in which the acquisition has enhanced Microsoft's product portfolio, market reach, and competitive positioning. Discuss any synergies that have been realized as a result of the acquisition.

5. How effective is Samsung's diversification strategy in mitigating risk and promoting growth?

Conduct a comprehensive review of Samsung's diversification strategy across different sectors, such as smartphones, semiconductors, home appliances, and more. Collect data on the performance of each of these business segments. Use tools like a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix to analyze the contribution of each segment to Samsung's overall business. Investigate how this diversification strategy has affected Samsung's risk profile and growth prospects.

6. What factors have contributed to Netflix's dominance in the streaming services market?

Begin by conducting a thorough review of Netflix's strategy and market position. Collect secondary data from financial reports, market research, and industry analysis. Use models like SWOT and PESTEL to analyze the external and internal factors that have contributed to Netflix's success. Analyze Netflix's content strategy, technology platform, and pricing model in-depth to identify key success factors.

7. How has Amazon's business model contributed to its competitive advantage in the retail sector?

Review Amazon's business model, including its value proposition, revenue streams, and key resources. Investigate how these components interact to create a competitive advantage. Analyze Amazon's customer focus, technological capabilities, and logistics network. Conclude by evaluating how the business model supports Amazon's market position and growth.

8. How effective is Coca-Cola's global marketing strategy in promoting its brand and products?

Investigate Coca-Cola's marketing strategy in different regions, focusing on product positioning, promotions, and pricing. Analyze how the company tailors its strategy to fit local cultures and preferences. Evaluate how the strategy promotes the Coca-Cola brand and drives sales. Consider factors like cultural sensitivity, creativity, and effective use of media channels.

9. How has Facebook's acquisition strategy contributed to its growth in the social media market?

Analyze Facebook's major acquisitions, like Instagram and WhatsApp. Evaluate the strategic rationale for each acquisition and its impact on Facebook's user base, product portfolio, and competitive positioning. Examine the integration process for each acquired company, focusing on challenges and successes.

10. What role does innovation play in Google's competitive advantage in the search engine market?

Investigate Google's innovation strategy, including its approach to research and development, organizational culture, and resource allocation. Analyze the impact of this strategy on Google's product portfolio and market position in the search engine industry. Evaluate the effectiveness of this strategy in maintaining Google's competitive advantage. An online IB English tutor could guide on how to construct an analytical essay that explores the role of innovation in Google's strategy, using theories of organizational culture and management.

11. How does IKEA's cost leadership strategy contribute to its competitive advantage in the furniture market?

Review IKEA's business model and cost leadership strategy. Investigate how the company manages its costs through efficient operations, product design, and supply chain management. Analyze how this strategy supports IKEA's pricing, profitability, and market position. Evaluate the sustainability of this strategy in the face of rising competition and changing consumer preferences.

12. How effective is Nike's branding strategy in enhancing its market position in the sportswear industry?

Investigate Nike's branding strategy, including its brand image, positioning, and communication. Analyze the impact of this strategy on Nike's customer loyalty, market share, and profitability. Evaluate the effectiveness of the branding strategy in differentiating Nike from its competitors.

13. What factors have contributed to Zoom's rapid growth in the video conferencing market?

Conduct a thorough review of Zoom's history, strategy, and market position. Collect secondary data from financial reports, market research, and industry analysis. Use models like SWOT and PESTEL to analyze the factors that have contributed to Zoom's growth. Consider factors like user experience, pricing, and marketing strategy.

14. How effective is Starbucks' localization strategy in its international expansion?

Investigate Starbucks' localization strategy in different countries. Analyze how the company adapts its products, store design, and marketing to fit local cultures. Evaluate the effectiveness of this strategy in attracting customers and promoting the Starbucks brand.

15. What impact did the Dieselgate scandal have on Volkswagen's brand image and financial performance?

Analyze the Dieselgate scandal and its aftermath. Collect data on Volkswagen's brand image, sales, and profitability before and after the scandal. Evaluate the effectiveness of Volkswagen's crisis management and recovery strategies.

16. How does McDonald's franchising model contribute to its global expansion and profitability?

Review McDonald's franchising model and its implementation in different countries. Investigate the benefits and challenges of franchising for McDonald's. Analyze the impact of this model on the company's global expansion, profitability, and brand consistency.

17. How does the use of artificial intelligence (AI) give Alibaba a competitive edge in e-commerce?

Start by understanding Alibaba's applications of AI in areas such as customer service, product recommendations, and logistics. Collect data and case studies showcasing its implementation. Analyze the effects on customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and profitability.

18. What factors contributed to the failure of Nokia's mobile phone business?

Delve into the history of Nokia, focusing on its rise and fall in the mobile phone market. Use business analysis tools such as SWOT or PESTEL to identify the internal and external factors that led to Nokia's decline. Examine the company's strategy, innovation, and response to competition.

19. How effective is Unilever's sustainable business model?

Investigate Unilever's sustainable business model and its approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Evaluate how effectively Unilever has integrated sustainability into its strategy, operations, and product lines. Analyze the impact on brand image, customer loyalty, and profitability.

20. How does Samsung's product diversification strategy impact its market position in the electronics industry?

Examine Samsung's product portfolio and diversification strategy. Investigate how the company manages its product mix and leverages synergies between different product lines. Analyze the impact on market share, risk management, and financial performance.

21. How has Pfizer's strategy in R&D contributed to its success in the pharmaceutical industry?

Analyze Pfizer's approach to research and development, including its investment strategy, partnerships, and focus areas. Evaluate the success of this strategy based on the company's product pipeline, patent portfolio, and market position. Consider the role of innovation and scientific breakthroughs in Pfizer's success.

22. How effective was the strategic turnaround plan implemented by Ford Motor Company?

Investigate the key components of Ford's turnaround plan, including cost-cutting measures, product development, and strategic partnerships. Analyze the impact of these initiatives on Ford's financial performance and market position. Evaluate the success of the plan based on key performance indicators (KPIs) and stakeholder feedback.

23. How does Zara's fast-fashion business model contribute to its competitive advantage in the retail industry?

Review Zara's business model, with an emphasis on its approach to design, manufacturing, and distribution. Analyze how this fast-fashion model supports Zara's competitive positioning, customer satisfaction, and profitability. A UK private tutor can assist in understanding the principles of supply chain management and strategic business positioning.

24. What impact did the COVID-19 pandemic have on Airbnb's business model and financial performance?

Analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Airbnb's bookings, revenue, and profitability. Investigate the changes Airbnb made to its business model and strategy in response to the crisis. Evaluate the effectiveness of these changes based on Airbnb's post-pandemic performance and recovery.

25. How has Tesla's strategy of selling electric cars directly to consumers impacted its market position?

Investigate Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales strategy and its implications for the traditional dealership model. Analyze the impact on Tesla's customer experience, market share, and profitability. Consider potential challenges and regulatory issues associated with this approach.

26. How effective is the Blue Ocean Strategy employed by Cirque du Soleil in the entertainment industry?

Analyze Cirque du Soleil's implementation of the Blue Ocean Strategy, focusing on its creation of a unique market space in the entertainment industry. Evaluate the effectiveness of this strategy in differentiating Cirque du Soleil from traditional circuses and other forms of entertainment.

27. How did Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox affect its market position in the entertainment industry?

Explore Disney's strategic rationale behind acquiring 21st Century Fox. Assess the integration process and its impact on Disney's content library, distribution channels, and competitive positioning. Analyze the financial implications and discuss whether the acquisition achieved its stated objectives.

28. What role has innovation played in SpaceX's disruption of the aerospace industry?

Investigate SpaceX's innovation strategy, including its focus on reusable rockets and cost reduction. Analyze how these innovations have challenged industry norms and impacted SpaceX's market position. Evaluate the sustainability of this innovation-driven strategy in the long term.

29. How effective is Netflix's content strategy in driving subscriber growth and retention?

Study Netflix's content strategy, including its investment in original content and localization of content for international markets. Evaluate the impact on subscriber growth, retention rates, and viewer engagement. Consider the sustainability of this strategy given the costs of content production and rising competition.

30. How did the 737 MAX crisis impact Boeing's reputation and financial performance?

Analyze the 737 MAX crisis and its impact on Boeing. Look at the company's response to the crisis, and how this affected its reputation among customers, regulators, and the public. Investigate the financial consequences of the crisis, including litigation costs, compensation to airlines, and lost sales.

31. What factors have contributed to the success of Zoom's freemium business model?

Investigate Zoom's freemium business model, focusing on its approach to free users, premium offerings, and monetization. Analyze how this model has contributed to Zoom's user growth, conversion rates, and revenue. Consider potential challenges and risks associated with this business model.

32. How effective is Apple's retail strategy in promoting its brand and products?

Review Apple's retail strategy, including its store design, customer service, and in-store experiences. Evaluate how effectively these elements promote the Apple brand, drive sales, and enhance customer loyalty.

33. What impact have trade tariffs had on Harley-Davidson's international operations and financial performance?

Examine the impact of trade tariffs on Harley-Davidson, focusing on its international operations and financial performance. Analyze how the company has responded to these tariffs, including changes to its supply chain, production locations, and pricing. Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies. IB Economics tutoring can provide insights into the economic theories behind tariffs and their impact on international business.

34. How has Alibaba's strategy of ecosystem creation contributed to its success in the Chinese e-commerce market?

Analyze Alibaba's ecosystem strategy, including its portfolio of platforms, partnerships, and investments. Discuss how these elements work together to create value for customers, drive user engagement, and enhance Alibaba's competitive position.

35. What effect did the Volkswagen emissions scandal have on the company's brand and financial health?

Study the Volkswagen emissions scandal in depth, its effects on the company's reputation, customer loyalty, and financial status. Consider how Volkswagen managed the crisis, its mitigation strategies, and any significant strategic shifts following the scandal.

36. What strategies did Microsoft employ to transition successfully towards cloud computing?

Investigate Microsoft's strategic moves towards cloud computing. Evaluate the effectiveness of its approach in terms of customer acquisition, retention, and revenue generation. Also, assess how this strategic transition affected Microsoft's position in the tech industry.

27. How has Amazon's growth affected local retail businesses?

Research the impacts of Amazon's expansion on local retail businesses. Examine both direct effects (e.g., market competition) and indirect effects (e.g., changes in consumer behavior). Use a variety of sources, such as academic studies, industry reports, and interviews with local business owners.

38. How effective has Starbucks's focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) been in enhancing its brand image?

Examine Starbucks's CSR initiatives and the impacts on its brand image. Assess how the company communicates its CSR efforts to customers and whether these efforts have resulted in increased customer loyalty, brand recognition, or sales.

39. How has McDonald's adapted its menu to cater to different international markets?

Examine McDonald's strategy of localizing its menu for international markets. Consider why the company has chosen this approach and analyze its effects on sales, customer satisfaction, and brand image in various countries.

40. What factors led to Blockbuster's failure to adapt to the changing video rental market?

Investigate the strategic decisions made by Blockbuster during the rise of digital streaming and rental services. Identify key factors that contributed to its inability to adapt effectively, and examine the impact of these decisions on its eventual downfall.

41. How effective has Patagonia's environmental advocacy been in influencing its customers and industry?

Review Patagonia's environmental initiatives and advocacy efforts. Analyze how these actions have influenced customer perceptions, loyalty, and purchasing behavior. Assess whether Patagonia's stance has inspired changes within its industry.

42. How has Coca-Cola's marketing strategy evolved over the years?

Explore the history of Coca-Cola's marketing campaigns, noting major shifts and innovations. Evaluate how these changes have contributed to the brand's enduring popularity and market dominance. Assess the role of cultural, societal, and technological changes in shaping Coca-Cola's marketing approach.

43. How has Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales model disrupted the traditional auto industry?

Examine the distinctive direct-to-consumer model employed by Tesla, its impacts on customer experience and cost structures. Evaluate how this sales model has disrupted the traditional dealership system and discuss the implications for the broader auto industry.

44. What impact has digital transformation had on traditional banking, using Barclays as a case study?

Review Barclays' digital transformation journey and its effects on the bank's services, customer engagement, and operational efficiency. Analyze the challenges encountered and how the bank navigated through these challenges. Evaluate the overall impact of digital transformation on Barclays' competitive positioning in the banking industry.

45. What factors contributed to Kodak's failure to transition effectively into the digital photography era?

Investigate Kodak's decision-making and strategy during the rise of digital photography. Identify critical missteps and missed opportunities that led to its decline. Analyze the effects of these decisions on Kodak's market share, financial performance, and survival. An online IB History tutor can help analyze this case study within the broader context of technological evolution and industry shifts.

46. How does IKEA's cost-leadership strategy contribute to its global success?

Examine IKEA's cost-leadership strategy and how it underpins the company's value proposition. Consider how IKEA achieves cost efficiencies through product design, supply chain management, and store operations. Evaluate the role of this strategy in IKEA's global success and industry leadership.

47. How has Google's corporate culture contributed to its innovative capabilities?

Explore Google's corporate culture and how it supports innovation. Consider aspects like its work environment, management style, and employee incentives. Assess the impacts of this culture on Google's product development, employee satisfaction, and overall competitiveness.

48. What role has diversification played in Virgin Group's growth strategy?

Investigate Virgin Group's diversification strategy, examining its entry into various industries. Analyze the synergies and challenges that have arisen from this strategy. Evaluate the contribution of diversification to Virgin Group's growth, brand strength, and risk management.

49. How effective is Walmart's supply chain management in supporting its low-price strategy?

Examine Walmart's supply chain management practices, including its use of technology, supplier relationships, and logistics. Analyze how these practices contribute to Walmart's cost savings and ability to offer low prices. Evaluate the scalability and sustainability of Walmart's supply chain strategy.

50. How has Airbnb's business model disrupted the traditional hospitality industry?

Study Airbnb's business model, focusing on aspects like its platform structure, value proposition, and growth strategy. Analyze the impacts of Airbnb on the hospitality industry, including effects on hotel revenues, pricing strategies, and customer expectations.

51. How has Zara's 'Fast Fashion' model influenced its success in the fashion industry?

Investigate Zara's 'Fast Fashion' model, considering its rapid turnaround times, trend adaptation, and lean supply chain. Evaluate how this model has contributed to Zara's global success, profitability, and influence in the fashion industry.

52. How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact Peloton's business model and market position?

Review how the COVID-19 pandemic affected Peloton's business model, including its product demand, customer acquisition, and operational strategies. Analyze how the company adapted to these changes and how they affected its market position and competitive strategy.

53. How has Unilever's Sustainable Living Plan affected its brand image and financial performance?

Study Unilever's Sustainable Living Plan and its impact on the company's brand image, customer perception, and financial performance. Evaluate the effectiveness of this corporate sustainability strategy and its influence on Unilever's business operations and growth.

54. What role has technology played in Domino's Pizza's turnaround strategy?

Explore how Domino's Pizza used technology to transform its business, focusing on areas like online ordering, delivery tracking, and customer engagement. Evaluate the impact of these technological initiatives on Domino's turnaround, customer experience, and market share.

55. How has Gucci leveraged digital marketing to engage with its customers?

Examine Gucci's digital marketing strategies, including its use of social media, influencer marketing, and immersive technology. Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies in terms of customer engagement, brand visibility, and sales growth.

56. How has Samsung's investment in R&D driven its competitiveness in the smartphone market?

Analyze Samsung's R&D investment strategy and its contribution to the company's competitiveness in the smartphone market. Consider how this investment has translated into product innovation, market differentiation, and customer value.

57. What strategies has Costco employed to maintain its competitive edge in the warehouse club industry?

Investigate Costco's strategies that set it apart in the warehouse club industry, such as its membership model, product selection, and pricing strategy. Evaluate how these strategies have contributed to Costco's customer loyalty, sales growth, and industry standing.

58. How has Adidas's collaboration with fashion designers influenced its brand positioning?

Study Adidas's collaboration strategy with fashion designers and influencers. Assess how these collaborations have influenced Adidas's brand image, customer perception, and market position within the sportswear industry.

59. How has Salesforce's acquisition strategy contributed to its growth in the cloud software market?

Review Salesforce's acquisition strategy and its impact on the company's product portfolio, customer base, and market position. Evaluate the integration process and the financial implications of these acquisitions.

60. How has Uber's surge pricing strategy affected its profitability and customer perception?

Examine Uber's surge pricing strategy, its rationale, and its impact on the company's profitability. Assess the strategy's influence on customer perception, demand elasticity, and overall service use.

What is the research proposal?

The internal assessment must start with a research proposal. This will become the primary planning document, giving direction to the research project. The maximum length of the research proposal is 500 words. The word count must be stated on the submitted work. If the word limit is exceeded, the teacher’s assessment must be based on the first 500 words of the proposal.

This should comprise: