Addition Worksheets
Welcome to the addition worksheets page at where we will add to your learning experience in many positive ways! On this page, you will find Addition worksheets from addition facts and two-digit addition to column addition and addition with games. In the first section, we've included a few addition printables that should help out the beginning student. Teaching addition facts is best done with some interesting teaching strategies.
Some teachers and parents use addition manipulatives to help students understand the basic addition facts. For example, adding groups of "Apple Jacks" (a breakfast cereal) by counting will quickly lead students to understand the concepts of addition. The sooner you can introduce base ten blocks to your students, the better. If you haven't already used them for counting, use them for basic addition and show students how regrouping works.
Most Popular Addition Worksheets this Week

Addition Facts Tables

- Disputably not a great way to learn addition facts, but undeniably a great way to summarize, addition facts tables are an invaluable resource in any home or school classroom. Addition works very well as a table since the addends can be sequential. Encourage students to look for patterns and teach them a variety of strategies to learn the addition facts. For students who have not yet memorized their addition facts but need to know them for a more advanced math lesson such as adding two-digit numbers, provide an addition facts table to them, so they can quickly look up addition facts. After a while, they will most likely learn the facts through the use of the table and become less reliant on it. To make the tables more durable, print them on card stock and laminate them. They can be displayed on a screen or enlarged and printed on poster paper for whole class use.
- Addition Facts in One Square Table
Five Minute Addition Frenzies

- Five minute frenzy charts are 10 by 10 grids for addition fact practice. In each square, students write the sum of the column number and the row number.
- Called mad minutes or timed drills by some, five minute frenzies are meant to be timed to add a little more excitement to practicing addition facts. They are ideally used to increase a student's ability to recall addition facts quickly which has all sorts of benefits later in their school life including preventing high school teachers from complaining about "how their students can't even add single-digit numbers without using a calculator."
- A general goal to achieve would be to complete one chart in less than five minutes and score 98 percent or better, however, we recommend setting personal goals for students based on an initial test. If they are banging their head against the wall after a couple of minutes with only a few questions done, they really shouldn't be completing a timed addition facts drill at the moment. They still have some learning to do. We would recommend breaking out the manipulatives at this point. If they blast through the questions in 1.5 minutes and get almost all of them correct, they are probably ready for something a little more challenging.
- One-per-page addition frenzies are not the most efficient use of paper resources, but they are a good starting point especially for younger students who have not quite mastered their penmanship enough to fit their numbers into a smaller chart. They are also great for displaying on screens or monitors for group activities. For example, you might use an interactive white board to fill out the chart.
- Five Minute Addition Frenzies
Single-Digit Addition

- Most people would agree that being able to add single-digit numbers quickly and in your head is an essential skill for success in math. The various addition worksheets in this section focus on skills that students will use their entire life. These worksheets will not magically make a student learn addition, but they are valuable for reinforcement and practice and can also be used as assessment tools.
- Single-Digit Addition with Some Regrouping