Flood zones defined insurance florida

Storm surges, high average rainfall, and low, flat terrain make Florida vulnerable to flooding. Flooding can happen to anyone, anywhere–it doesn’t just affect those who live near a body of water. There are many hidden risks that can put your house in danger of flooding.

Approximately 25% of flood claims happen in low risk areas.

Flood insurance financially protects your home from rising water that damages your home and personal property. Flood insurance may help pay to repair or rebuild your home and replace damaged personal property.

Florida law does not require homeowners to have flood insurance. However, for most consumers, your home is one of your largest assets and insurance will help to offset the cost to repair or replace your home. Additionally, if you have a mortgage, your lender may require you to have flood insurance, because it has a financial interest in the property and wants to ensure it is protected.

A flood policy is usually a separate policy from your homeowner’s coverage, but some private homeowner’s insurance companies may offer it as an endorsement (an option) on your policy.

Explore the resources below to learn more about flood insurance and how it may be beneficial for you: