Upload scanned documents to the Kerala PSC Thulasi website before the certificate verification. If the candidate got a message from the public service commission, scan your eligible documents and upload them in the Kerala PSC profile. Candidates must upload prescribed documents/certificates on or before the last date. Kerala PSC planned to start the verification process online before the final rank list. Don't wait for the last date, it may cause several problems.
Help desk call center number - 0471 2554000 (Working Hours only). Remember below important main points before the upload.
5. Before the upload, read all instructions carefully. Tick the disclaimer box and click the 'Add Document' option. Upload all documents with the help of the above instruction, complete the procedure.
sir, in my 'scanned documents' display it does not show the add (+) button. please help me.
Reply Delete
No,it is normal. it will be displayed green only after your verification Delete WHY I AM NOT AUTHORISED TO ADD CERTIFICATES.Sir,
I uploaded scanned documents of all certificates in profile of size approximately 92KB. But when i downloaded the files from profile the files are downloaded in file size of approximately 170KB. what is the reason for the issue??
Thank you Reply Delete
I got a message from Kerala PSC asking to upload the mark list and community certificate. Is it because I am shortlisted in the rank list? Or for any other procedure? Reply Delete
I got a message from KPSC to upload documents like marklist, id proof, certificates. but when i try to upload the documents there is only provision to upload the certificates. there is no provision to upload the marklist and equalancy both are mandidatory for the post and the SMS also says to upload that. what to do ? Reply Delete
me also have the same problem i could upload certificates but can't marklist plz do a reply ..if u resolved the pblm Delete
it shows You are not authorized to upload documentsI have got message to upload scanned documents to prove educational qualification. Will PSC send messages to all candidates who wrote exam or who qualified above cutoffmarks in written exam? Reply Delete
And also short list has been published. I have uploaded all documents - verification hasn't doen yet. But my reg number was not there in short list? May I know why? Reply Delete
upload my documents also but they con't contact and the shortlist of the post was published am not in this list. so why the ask to me to upload document. Reply Delete
Anybody got upload documents for 454/2016, staffnurs post. If yes what they mean. Reply DeleteI have also got the same message to upload educational documents for 454/2016. What does it mean? Anyone's have idea about this? Reply Delete
i upload the form of willingnness to GCDA. But What is the issue no. and issueing authority Reply Delete
Even if kpsc asks us to upload documents. it doesn't mean that we will be called for interview . Is it like that Reply Delete
I already upload my certificate for apost which iam in the supplementary list.will I get a msgagain to upload the certificate s again for apost which I have written later Reply Delete
i alrady upload my marklist.but psc messaged me to upload marklist for one exam,why this? Reply Delete
how to upload additional qualification acquired after verification of the details ? Reply DeleteI got a message from Kerala PSC to upload my experience certificate on or before a date as i have submitted an application. But i have already uploaded it successfully. Then why am getting this message?
Please help Reply Delete
I got a message as follows,Scan and upload SSLC, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Certificate , Community Certificate , Aadhaar.
The post category is under NCA notification for SC. What will be next? Reply Delete
I got a message as follows,Scan and upload SSLC, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Certificate , Community Certificate , Aadhaar.
The post category is under NCA notification for SC. What will be next? Reply Delete
I noticed that I didn't upload the scanned documents in the mean time updated to me.Kindly please send the message again so that I can upload the documents. Reply Delete
Class nalla class ayirunu Reply DeleteI got message from psc to upload documents and do so and so but now adding option is not visible in the site i was wrongly deleted the 10th certificate what can i do to upload the document,
Reply Delete
I got a message for uploading the details .bt i have no + button in my profile. Anyone please help
Reply Delete
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Upload scanned documents to the Kerala PSC Thulasi website before the certificate verification. If the candidate got a message from the publ.
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Kerala public service commission One Time registration is very helpful for all candidates. Register the first time with suitable details l.
ISM Malayalam Typing Software Free Download. The software is developed and controlled by the Government of India (C-DAC). This software .
Upload scanned documents to the Kerala PSC Thulasi website before the certificate verification. If the candidate got a message from the publ.
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Mohanan Vaidyar -Naturopathy and Food Adulteration Consultant. He lives in Cherthala district of Alappuzha. Currently, he consults in Ke.
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Learn More Kerala: Upload Scanned Documents in Kerala PSC Thulasi Upload Scanned Documents in Kerala PSC ThulasiUpload scanned documents in Kerala PSC. Certificate upload in Thulasi website. probability list/shortlist verification. Image size, resolution and JPEG format.