Cags student handbook ccu

Colorado Christian University does not discriminate in the admission of students on the basis of gender, race, age, national or ethnic origin, or disability. Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS) reserves the right to deny any applicant for admission at any time due to behavioral, dispositional, or self-disclosed information that does not align with the provisions of the CAGS Student Handbook (i.e. Standards of Student Conduct), or due to falsified information on the application for admission.

The minimum age requirement to apply for admission in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies is 18 years old, unless exceptions are approved by the applicable Vice President.

Application for Admission to Certificate and Non-Degree Seeking Programs

A student wishing to complete a certificate or enroll as a non-degree seeking student takes courses for personal or professional enrichment. The student has not applied for nor been admitted to a degree program. These students must complete the following:

Non-degree seeking students who subsequently wish to apply to a degree program must meet all admission requirements for the program and complete a change of major form. A maximum of twelve (12) CCU undergraduate credit hours earned prior to admission to an undergraduate degree program may be applied to a degree program. Graduate students may apply a maximum of nine (9) graduate credit hours earned prior to admission toward a graduate degree. Non-degree seeking students, other than certificate students, wanting to take graduate level courses must gain approval from the appropriate academic dean. Students who have completed a CCU certificate prior to admission to an academic program will be allowed to apply the certificate credits toward the appropriate degree. Permission to enroll in graduate courses as a non-degree seeking student does not guarantee admission to a graduate degree program.

Application for Admission to Adult Undergraduate Programs

The application process for admission to the adult studies programs at Colorado Christian University is a personal one. Each applicant is assigned an enrollment counselor to assist with the application and enrollment process. The CCU admission process is selective. We seek students who have the potential to succeed academically and who are motivated to grow personally and professionally.

Colorado Christian University is an "unapologetically Christian" institution, which is evident throughout all courses and degree programs offered through Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduates Studies (CCU Online). Curriculum is designed from a Christian worldview and includes an expectation of students to integrate scripture and biblical principles in course assignments. At Colorado Christian University, the educational philosophy is guided by our non-denominational Statement of Faith, which is embraced by all faculty and staff. For students, there is no admissions requirement for a profession of faith in order to apply or attend Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduates Studies (CCU Online), and we have students from various faith and no faith backgrounds attending Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduates Studies (CCU Online).

Students may begin study in CCU's adult programs throughout the year. To apply to a CCU adult program, complete the following:

Application for Admission to Graduate Programs

The application process for admission to the College of Adult and Graduate Studies master's and doctoral programs is highly competitive. We seek students who have the potential to succeed academically and who are motivated to grow personally and professionally. Each applicant is assigned an enrollment counselor to assist with the application and enrollment process.

Colorado Christian University is an "unapologetically Christian" institution, which is evident throughout all courses and degree programs offered through Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduates Studies (CCU Online). Curriculum is designed from a Christian worldview and includes an expectation of students to integrate scripture and biblical principles in course assignments. At Colorado Christian University, the educational philosophy is guided by our non-denominational Statement of Faith, which is embraced by all faculty and staff. For students, there is no admissions requirement for a profession of faith in order to apply or attend Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduates Studies (CCU Online), and we have students from various faith and no faith backgrounds attending Colorado Christian University's College of Adult and Graduates Studies (CCU Online).

To apply to a CCU graduate program, complete the following:

Admission Status

Applied: Students have submitted the complete electronic application for admission.

Full Admission: Students have submitted all required documents and met all quality standards. No further requirements are needed for admission to CCU.

Provisional Admission: Students are admitted with work in progress or admitted pending receipt of official documents.

Conditional Admission: Students are admitted with all required documents but are required to meet specific performance standards their first or returning term at CCU due to failing to meet one or more qualifying standards. Students are required to sign an agreement upon admission, acknowledging the academic and behavioral standards that must be met. Conditionally admitted students who do not meet the these standards within the first semester will be suspended.

Enrolled: Students have completed all admissions requirements and successfully registered (enrolled) for their first course.

Additional Instructions for DACA Students

DACA students are eligible to take courses at CCU but must meet Homeland Security requirements to be considered for enrollment. All DACA students must submit the following before enrollment:

Contact your enrollment counselor for assistance or information.

Addition Instructions for International Students

Before applying, adult and graduate non-native students desiring to study in the U.S. must have must have proper documentation in place as outlined in the International Student Admissions.

Contact your enrollment counselor for assistance or information.


Students who applied over 366 days ago or have not completed a course at CCU for 366 days or more (from the end of the last class of enrollment) must reapply for admission. If the student has attended another institution, an official transcript must be submitted. Students who return to CCU following an absence of 366 days or longer must meet all current admission and degree requirements. A new degree plan will be provided based on the current academic catalog. Students who have been dismissed for disciplinary reasons must apply for readmission and meet the requirements of conditional admission (see above).

Financial Aid

Students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine if they are eligible and qualify for federal financial aid.

Services for Students with Disabilities

It is the policy of CCU to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (ADAAA), Section 504 of the 1990 Rehabilitation Act, and state/local regulations regarding students and applicants with disabilities. The ADAAA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Pursuant to these laws, no qualified individual with a disability shall unlawfully be denied access to or participation in services, programs or activities at the University.

Students with disabilities seeking a Certificate of Accommodations will consult with the College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS) Student Services Coordinator prior to beginning their academic journey at CCU. Certificates of Accommodations are valid for one academic year, and must be renewed each year through the Coordinator of Student Services. It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her needs known in a timely manner and to provide the Student Services Coordinator with proper documentation.

8787 West Alameda Avenue
Lakewood, Colorado 80226

Christ-centered higher education transforming students to impact the world with grace and truth.